08 janeiro 2009

chip city

conseguem imaginar, num exercício teórico, um futuro relativamente próximo onde a influência da electrónica pessoal minimiza os sistemas de circulação e consequentemente de organização urbana?

trata-se de uma teoria suportada pela nanotecnologia e pelo sistema GPS (global positioning system) em que cada indivíduo personaliza o tracking system.

Shinobu Hashimoto e Rients Dijkstra lançam a questão:
"Se cada pessoa e objecto possuirem um PosTec device, (aparelho de Positioning Technology), será a vida mais simples?"


Safety requires slowing down at the crossing. Traffic rules dictate intersection behaviour. Traffic signals, pavement, traffic rules and indicators help to prevent collision.
PRESENT. The need for speed gives rise to space-consuming chunks of concrete. Large numbers of cars move in all directions simultaneously. Big curves let you change directions safely and smoothly. A lot of space required remains empty and useless.
FUTURE. Concrete and signage are soaked up by PosTec. The layout of the road is determined only by the necessary capacity. Simple PosTec calculations result in a speed and a course that will make you cross the intersection without stopping.
RADICAL FUTURE. Return to innocence – linearity lost. The road loses its linear form. Earth is cut up into “motionSpace” and “obstacleSpace”. Under PosTec surveillance, people and public events will coexist safely and efficiently.

Line up along the infrastructure. Commercial activity dominates the ground level on main streets. Many Areas at ground-level, facing the main street, are considered more profitable.
PRESENT. Position is value, size is impact. Since the ground level position is fully occupied by commercial programs. Density increases vertically. The building’s façade and signage on the building surface are conceived to attract attention of pedestrian and car drivers.
FUTURE. The individualization of screen – hierarchy lost. More and more information is transmitted through screens. Large signs are agile, personal and wearable. Physical hierarchy, as a means of organizing a city, becomes irrelevant.
RADICAL FUTURE. The street concept loses all relevance. With PosTec, the quality of location and land value are determined by points of acess (parking,public transport) and clustering around “good spots”.

All rights and credits: Shinobu Hashimoto e Rients Dijkstra